
The following blog posts have the category Children

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Happy Kids Eating a health lunchFor many parents, making kid's lunches is one of the bigger drawbacks to back-to-school time, adding one more chore to our already busy lives. In a perfect world, we'd have our kids make their own, but there are drawbacks to that as well. For starters, these self-made lunches would likely include lots of fun snacks and very little in the way of nutrition. And the prodding it takes to get them to actually do it often takes longer than just doing it ourselves.
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Child in a car seatNew parents have their hands full. While the nine months leading up to the birth of a child afford plenty of time to research the best gear and make necessary preparations, the list of concerns for that fragile bundle of joy can be intimidating. And selecting the right car seat is one of the most challenging. Between reviews, recalls, budgets, and difficult-to-understand instructions, the world of car seat shopping is not for the faint of heart. But it needn't be so complicated: once you know the lingo and your needs, it's just a matter of finding the right fit for your vehicle and family.
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